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The challenge of an optimal working day has been solved

field service window cleaning

Has your company struggled with how to perform workday tasks efficiently, even optimally? Organizing tasks and combining the skills of the employees and the skills requirements is challenging. Especially when there are a lot of tasks to do and situations change quickly. The challenge of an optimal working day has now been solved with the help of artificial intelligence.

In August 2020, a group of Finnish mathematicians focusing on computational intelligence and optimization set a world record in this real-world challenge. The previous world record was held by a Belgian team. CI Computational Intelligence’s scientists Cimmo Nurmi, Jari Kyngäs, and Nico Kyngäs have been successfully solving the challenges of practical optimization problems for more than ten years. The team has implemented solutions e.g. for shift planning of large organizations and for optimizing professional sports league schedules.

What kind of companies benefit from AI optimization?

The new AI optimization tool will improve the efficiency of companies, especially those doing mobile work. Typical users are companies specializing in installation and maintenance, cleaning, healthcare, home care, security, and transport services. Workday Planning is speeded up and optimization improves the company’s service quality, job satisfaction, and efficiency. In other words, companies save time and money.

Husky FSM software gets a hefty dose of artificial intelligence

CI Computational Intelligence and Husky Intelligence have entered into a collaboration agreement that includes all the powerful and easy-to-use solutions for controlling mobile work activities and optimizing the workday.

We are excited about the cooperation. The members of our team have worked for years in various contexts in the past as well, says Cimmo Nurmi, CEO of CI Computational Intelligence.

Husky Intelligence provides Husky FSM software and professional services for demanding field service companies. Husky software has users in Finland, the UK, and North America.

Read more about the optimization world record.

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